Can’t Hurry Love desires to introduce like-minded Christian singles through speed dating.

Events will also highlight a local non-profit that participants can choose to support or get involved with.

We pray that God uses these meet-up events to encourage boldness, service, kindness, Godly friendships, healthy dating, and loving marriages.

Speed Dating?!?

If you have never been speed dating before, it is a casual, low investment, and fairly safe* way to meet new people with dating in mind. Rather than swiping through profiles with limited information and pictures that may, or may not be accurate, speed dating gives you an opportunity to see a number of potential matches up close and experience a more holistic snapshot of another’s essence and personality. There is very little pressure. All you have to decide is, “Do I want to talk to this person again?”

Rounds will involve 6 minute conversations with each participant of the opposite sex. Men and women will vote “Yes,” or “No,” on each match.

The event host will review all comment cards after the event, and provide contact information to people whom have mutually chosen, “Yes.”
If EITHER participant selects “No,” contact information will not be shared.

As dating coaches Henry Cloud and Matthew Hussey both teach, “In order to meet more men, you have to meet more men!” This applies to meeting women too, gents!
So, embrace the awkward, and sign up today.

This event is not sponsored by any church or denomination. Events are designed for single Christ-followers to meet like-minded individuals with dating in mind.

*The event host is unable to vet every speed dater. Each participant assumes the risk to date with wisdom.

Worldview Expectations

If you sign up for a speed dating event, you commit to the following:

  • I am a follower of Jesus Christ.

  • I am involved in a local faith community.

  • I believe sex is a gift designed for within marriage. (There is, of course, grace for the past.)

  • I am single.

What are people saying??

“This was great, I really enjoyed myself. Directions were clear and easy.”

"I was definitely nervous to take part, but this was a lot of fun! Great people here and it all felt too short."

"This was a great way to meet people. Even if nothing comes out of it, it's great practice and gave me confidence to go on other dates.”

“Thank you! This was wonderful and so comfortable.”

“Thank you for making this event community and image-bearer focused.”

Sign up for our contact list today!